On November 25th, we dared Rosumovi members to question their social ties and spice up to their conversation kit. The glamorous Rosumovi launch party was set in a lavishly decorated interior, the ground floor of Palais Ghica Victoria, adorned with Beauty-and-the-Beast-go-to-outer-space inspired flower arrangements that tickled the senses of our guests.

The attendees, a mix of investors, doctors and media gliteratti with an appetite for arts and beauty in general, were in for a surprise: a mysterious ‘illusionist’, appeared out of nowhere, would intrigue them with bold questions meant to raise doubts regarding the balance between small talk and subjects that truly matter in social circles. He humorously started asking who owns pieces of monogrammed attire, only to finish with a deep, dreamy conversation with Siri. The performance was intended to present in a metaphorical and intriguing way some of our beliefs, which were printed in the form of a manifesto and handed to the guests at the entrance, together with flavorful cocktails.